
Valuable Contents for

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Enjoy Short Videos. It's Lish.

Milky is where you Discover millions of valuable short Videos(Lish), Photos and Text posts, Connect with people you care about and Chat without issues of privacy. Get Milky coins from your posts and videos and reward contents you value. Milky is not just another social media it's where your creativity matters you can go Viral and influence even if you have 5 followers..

Milky Market

Available on Appstore for iPhone & on Playstore for Android devices.

Enjoy Milky without account, you can setup whenever

Download Milky and go deep without any credentials or your private information but when you create your account make it Elegant. you can Sign up with one click via Google account, Apple ID(for iOS) or Email Address. Start your profile with a nice photo, and Pick username that' you wish to add some Bio and Link your other socials to your Milky account so you may get good Impressions..

Buy Coins

Buy me coffee on Milky

Milky Awards and Gifts, instead of reactions appreciation, Milky users react to videos or posts with gifts which will turn to Real cash. when someone buys you coffee on Milky or gives you black Panther you get diamonds, you can exchange Milky diamonds with real money.

Create, Explore & Learn to Appreciate.

Valuable and Helping Posts or Lish videos will always get advocated, appreciated and will be awarded. Milky is a brand new social media so anyone passionate can make a difference and make the world a better place. Shout-out is a feature only on Milky, when you create your account others who care about you shout-out to you so you'll be seen allover Milky. Reactions on Milky is Appreciation, Milky users appreciate your creativity with gifts and awards which will add Diamonds to your account, of-course diamonds can be exchanged with real money!

Download Milky

Get Milky on App-store & Playstore for Free, Enjoy the better life and share it with others.

DM & Stories

Connect with your loved ones anywhere around the globe instantaneously with Text, Voice, Photos videos and more... Share your moment with the world on Milky and you'll be surprised with the love from Milky users.

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